1 definition by J.L Son

Battman or ''The Battman'' is a common referral to a boy named Olly Batt or OB for short who goes to Killara High School.

The story of Battman himself can occasionally be known as a mystery to some but now all of sudden to many he is an icon and his fame has risen with no one to stop him.

Some say that misleading information and exaggeration of names given to him just lead to the fact that he is some normal guy, but they are far from the truth.

Battman and his fame has been mainly spread around the North Shore but he has also been seen throughout online gaming and the internet including a fan page made for him.
Year 7- ''Hey lets go down to the courts, we''ll go past the year 12 area''

Other year 7- ''No way don't you know about the Battman?''

Year 7- ''Thats just a myth''
by J.L Son March 19, 2010
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