3 definitions by Iwishiwasjessesgirl420

When you’re typing allowed but autocorrect sucks
*on text* Aidan: can you do that?
Me: yes it’s aloowed
Aidan: aloowed?
Me: stupid autocorrect
by Iwishiwasjessesgirl420 August 26, 2021
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A bunch of band kids gathered together in a larger group
Random 1: What are all those kids on the field?
Random 2: that’s a disturbance
by Iwishiwasjessesgirl420 August 4, 2021
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A bunch of band kids gathered together in a larger group
Random 1: What are all those kids on the field?
Random 2: that’s a disturbance
by Iwishiwasjessesgirl420 August 4, 2021
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