2 definitions by IwillMunchOnYourCorpse

Mountain Dew Tradwife, or MDT for short, is an ultra christian propaganda project. Created in 2001, after the September 11 attacks, commonly known as 9/11, to protect the US citizens, MDT has been known to the public thanks to some controversies regarding it’s instagram DMs.
« I hate minorities », MDT texted in a pornographic group chat fetishizing people with dwarfism (its ok tho she’s just a silly girl).
I’ve been targeted by Mountain Dew Tradwife: Im going to hand myself.

Mountain Dew Tradwife is blond

« :3 »
by IwillMunchOnYourCorpse July 24, 2022
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A Floonky Woonky (also commonly known as FlonkoWonko) is a method of torture and execution in which the victim is tied to the ground with their testicles hanging as the executioner says « Floonky Woonky ».
The victim is let loose after a few hours, but even if no physical harm was done, they are haunted by the traumatic memory that is Floonky Woonky.
-Damn, I just learned that Floonky Woonky was inflicted to my veteran grandpa during the Viet war!
- Lmao he got f l o n k e d
by IwillMunchOnYourCorpse July 24, 2022
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