2 definitions by Iwanttodiehelp

A word that can be used to tell people that you are being abused by your dad.
by Iwanttodiehelp March 30, 2018
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A normally shy and introverted person who keeps his feeling locked inside, and you never really see much interesting about him until you try to get to know him, and when he trusts you, he WON’T shut up. Jonah is the kind of guy who loves memes and funny stuff in general. He always mixes up words or doesn’t think ahead of time before he speaks, usually ending up in a weird jumble of words. He is also extremely clumsy.
Person 1 : Jonah just spilled an entire carton of milk on himself...

Person 2 : that’s just Jonah.
by Iwanttodiehelp June 23, 2018
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