2 definitions by IvyLeague86

(n. - pejorative)

A predatory, middle -aged cab driver often found trolling Chicago's north side neighborhood bars around 4 AM. Explicitly fond of adopting the role of "daddy" for one or multiple "sons." May or may not express a desire to engage in light bondage, optionally involving toys. Individual possesses a questionable and unsettling familiarity with a victim's close friends.

See also: "predatory closet job."
Dude, if you're cabbing home after the bars close, it's safer in groups... you might end up with John Wayne Maybe.
by IvyLeague86 November 14, 2014
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A brain-dead Millenial’s corner-cutting way of advertising an ill-conceived dependence on getting high on Meth before marathon anonymous raw dog fuck sessions with total strangers. Often multiple total strangers.
“I need to put 💎 in my profile headline, just in case anyone might think my self-esteem is good enough to have sex while coherent.”

“ 💎 should hopefully signify to everyone on that dating app that I have no self-respect, and expect to contract multiple communicable diseases this weekend before I get canned from my job on Monday while still awake from last Friday.”
by IvyLeague86 January 12, 2019
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