3 definitions by Italianoomer

Who use cringe italian or english abbrevations like grz (ita, mean thanks) or gg (good game).
"Pk, ha dato i compiti ?"-"Yes... Diugos?!??."
"GG man, U sucks"-"Shut the fuck up Diugos"
"Grz per l'aiuto"-"Di niente, ma smetti di scrivere come un Diugos"
by Italianoomer March 2, 2021
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Who use cringe italian or english abbrevations like grz (ita, mean thanks) or gg (good game).
"Pk, ha dato i compiti ?"-"Yes... Diugos ?!."
"GG man, U sucks"-"Shut the fuck up Diugos "
"Grz per l'aiuto"-"Di niente, ma smetti di scrivere come un Diugos"
by Italianoomer March 2, 2021
Get the Diugos ?! mug.