3 definitions by It's Deezer

Mike: What is that foul smell, that is disgusting!

Pete: Sorry mate that was me, I've just dropped a bharj.
by It's Deezer April 19, 2019
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When the anus goes red and sore after rough and deep anal penetration.
Toby: Jai’s been walking a bit funny since he’s come back from Majorca.
Fionn: Yeah spent a few nights with the danish lads and forgot to bring lube, think they gave him a red hole!
Toby: He just couldn’t leave well enough alone.
by It's Deezer July 18, 2020
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A creepy guy that makes women uncomfortable in pubs and bars.
Scott: Have you seen Andrew is hanging round outside the girls toilets again!
Steve: Why doesn't Andrew leave that poor girl alone?
Scott: Andrew is such a Creepy Crow.
by It's Deezer April 20, 2019
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