1 definition by Irate Steel

A figurative sense of the madness level. A Jimmie is something that can be rustled, and when it gets rustled you go mad. Different people have different amounts of jimmies and can have them rustled easier.
Phil: Dang bro that guys mad...

Opie: Na bro hes not only mad hes hopping mad, or even cheesed.

Phil: Yeah man, his face is getting red.
Opie: He must be getting pretty hot under the collar.
Phil: Do you think his jimmies are rustled?
Opie: Definitely, there's no way they aren't.
Phil: We'd better get out of here.
Opie: Ill catch up, I haven't seen someone ever so acrimoniously rustled.
by Irate Steel December 12, 2013
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