66 definitions by Ionlymadethisaccountforafewwor

Some random nigga doin List videos and sucking pewdiepies microphallus while she be smackin her ass on her computer for YouTube
T-series is a slut
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Means Holy Shit and What the Fuck in one word.
Susie drops a plate and it breaks her damn leg.
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Some bisexual South African dude who works for nasa and steals memes
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There are multiple ways to moon people
Stand, naked, use your fingers to spread your butt as wide as it will go before you tear the skin
Stand, lean over a chair naked with your asshole facing the person you’re mooning
If you’re a girl, sit on a chair, spreading your vagina as wide as it will go Facing towards your target.
If you’re a girl, stand naked and squeeze the base of your boobs hard
If you’re a guy stand naked and have the tip of your dick facing the ceiling
If you’re a guy stand naked squeezing your balls with one hand and squeezing your ass with another
Sit or stand, with your index and middle spread out and place your tongue in the middle, where the webbing starts
Like the last method, but adding the ring and weak finger, spreading your ring and weak fingers from your middle and index finger and placing your tongue where the webbing starts between the four fingers
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