1 definition by InternetPolice

Also known as 12boilit,24 Savage,48 Saiya-jin. broke ass boy who is into rap game. he is the that you know since primary school, failed to high school and nobody noticed until he jumped out and considered himself a rapper.he never contact you except borrow money or get jumped after classes.he tried into strictly relationships with adult, but impotence prevented him, so he only dates with jailbait,but this is allowed because his unique physiological condition will stop him from breaking the law.he always in the studio and post it on social media,but actually he is playing PUBG in a small cyber cafe.he lived with his mom before he was kicked by his ex, he keep wearing fake sneakers , despite Converse and vans.

he wearing dreadlocks.(people ragged him about his haircut in his childhood)
he was ghosting when his mom call him for dinner.(before his got kicked by his mom)
he uses Trap MusicandOld Schoolto distinguish hip-hop music.(last month what he called areTrapandNot Trap )
he stolen 21 Savage's beats.(and downloaded free beats on youtube)
he got a bunch of haters.(Who let him payback the money, including his ex,mom )
he has no ideal about how to hustle.
he watches dragonball.(he thought he is a Saiya-jin )
he NEVER pay back money.(unless you beat him up)

"Liang Jia may not a concrete person,
Maybe someone named Liang jia in this world.
Everybody hates Liang Jia,
Everybody knows Liang Jia.
Perhaps everybody is Liang Jia."
A:"Get my fucking money back you broke ass LiangJia!"

A:"Is Young Jack the sort of rapper like Liang Jia do?"
B:"Nah,Young Jack can easily put some babes in his groupies. for real,though."
by InternetPolice September 1, 2019
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