1 definition by Insomniac._.

/Moo-ˈsü/ or /Myü- sü/

Alternative Term for Monsoon: The season of heavy rain; the wind that brings the rain

In reference to Hindu Culture, the arriving monsoon foretells flowering biodiversity and renewal of life. Its presence once revived the scorched Earth into a lush, verdant environment. 'The Elixir of Life'(4.27.3) Valmiki expressed in Ramayan, translating to Abundance, Prosperity, Rejuvenation and Fertility.

Special nickname for people filled with liveliness, ferocity and kindness, excuse of their shortness of height. They are the gorgeous canvas to that DaVinci had imagined. They are the roses, a colour of animated fire that harms anyone who are possessed of its beauty. Hold it with gentleness and soon their thorns will be easily pluck out. You will only see their beauty once they blossom and so- pour them of your compliments, benevolence, warmth, patience and attention. You will be their sun, as they grow towards you like the sunflower.

They are exotic treasures to seek to, too precious to appreciate to, too memorable to ponder to, too priceless to sell to, it is the greatest of loss of life to loose them.
I will always remind you of your shortness, my Musu.
by Insomniac._. April 2, 2022
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