2 definitions by Incognito_420

The act of sticking the male genitalia inside the mouth of a Poopsie Slime Surprise toy and breaking your dick's crown.
John: "Did you hear that Henry got hospitalized? Apparently he got Unicorn Snapped."
Steve: "Yikes, that's gotta hurt."
by Incognito_420 February 24, 2021
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The act of sticking the male genitalia inside the mouth of a Poopsie Slime Surprise toy and breaking your dick's crown.
John: "Did you hear that Henry got hospitalized? Apparently he got Poopsie Slime Snapped."
Steve: "Yikes, that's gotta hurt."
by Incognito_420 February 24, 2021
Get the Poopsie Slime Snap mug.