4 definitions by Ilovepewdiepie666

The worst company that sponsors t-bad. Only drink coca-cola.
9 year old A: Do you know that Pepsi helps t bad?
9 year old B: Yes! Don’t drink Pepsi again. Save PewDiePie!
by Ilovepewdiepie666 May 18, 2019
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The worst company ever that sponsors t bad. Drink only Coca-cola.
9yo A: Have you drunk Pepsi?
9yo B: Yes!
9yo A: Don’t drink it anymore. It teams up with t bad.
9yo B: 😱
by Ilovepewdiepie666 May 18, 2019
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The worst shit that favours channels to upload consistently and so is helping t bad and companies. Help PewDiePie.
Blue Shirt Kid: “Ok first of all (because of) the YouTube algorithm, they post about 20 videos a day.”
by Ilovepewdiepie666 May 18, 2019
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