25 definitions by Ilisten2Metal

A condition where one has an extreme obsession to be on the internet or be like people who they encounter on the internet. Similar to Text Talk.
1) Joe was diagnosed with internetitis after people recognized his habit of not leaving the computer for three days.

2) Steve was diagnosed with internetitis after people got tired of his internet speech, i.e. tl;dr, lol, ikr, idgaf, etc.
by Ilisten2Metal May 29, 2014
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see also text talk.

A form of speech popularized by teens and young adults who spend too much time on the internet. This is similar to text talk, however shortened phrases and words commonly used on forums, email, and social media are being said out loud in regular speech. Most commonly referred as an online form of speech, where it only happens in text form when on the internet, but that's not always the case.
I spoke in internet speech to my friends, and they could barely understand me.
by Ilisten2Metal May 29, 2014
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ass. The essential cushion you can't resist that comes with every lover.
I miss her |__)__) (ass). It was nice and firm... sigh...
by Ilisten2Metal June 10, 2014
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