2 definitions by Idk, were all anon here anyway

Peasant slang for " Polandball " comics.

While normal people know their terms, casuals frequently misname the famous Polandball comics by calling them "countryballs", thus giving up on their honour and ridiculing themselves.
A: "Hey have you seen this countryballs comic?"

B: "Please dont talk to me anymore."
by Idk, were all anon here anyway December 1, 2016
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When your friend recommended you an Anime classic however you only heard its name once so you dont know how to spell it;

then you Google what you understood but all you get is this half-assed urban dicitionary entry insulting your poor lectioning skills.
Friend: Hey, have you seen Samurai Champloo yet? Youll like it!
You : Google, what's Samurai Shampoo?

*Friend and Google judging you silently*
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