1 definition by IceCreamRulesTheUniverse

Proof that you don't need talent to get a record label. A crap Disney band made up of 4 siblings and their friend, they call themselves pop rock, however, they are nowhere near anything rock. Pop rock is a made up piece of shit used by bands like R5 to have an excuse to call themselves rock.

Positive things about R5: -------Nope, I got nothing.
Negative things about R5: (too many to list)
Obsessive R5 Fangirl: R5 is amazing and so talented!
Rational human being who knows what music is (AKA: R5 Hater): None of them can sing, their songs are pointless Disney crap, they aren't that attractive anyway.
by IceCreamRulesTheUniverse October 14, 2014
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