2 definitions by I_wake_up_the_masses

A feel-good ideology that without any evidence asserts that men and women are equal and anybody who disagrees with it are automatically sexists. Exactly like religion, that without any evidence asserts god exists and anybody who disagrees with it are automatically demonic.
Feminism is for ugly women, like socialism is for lazy men.
by I_wake_up_the_masses March 14, 2023
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A typical butt-hurt bimbo with overinflated ego, who believes men and women are equal without realizing that men and women are different and thus cant be equal. A typical ignorant leftist who falsely believes in the existence of societal oppression.

Note: This definition accurately describes *anyone* who calls themself feminist.
A religious dumbo and a feminist bimbo once met at a zoo and made each other realize they both belong to the same species of sub-humans that posses underdeveloped brains.
by I_wake_up_the_masses March 14, 2023
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