1 definition by I_don’t_know_my_name

A common hebrew name drawn from the bible. The word itself means brook, spring or well.

The name given to a woman of strong character, incredible beauty, amazing passion and love for life. She is very shy at the beginning, but once you know her well, she will be as much as crazy as you! It's pronounced (Ma-a-yan). She will rock your world. Imagine everything you want and that is her. She is usually exotic with eyes full of life and mystery. One look and that's all it will take for you to fall under her spell. A lover of everything in this world from books, movies, food and life she will open your eyes never before imagined. If you find her, keep her!
Boy 1: Wow look at that girl, she’s gorgeous!

Boy 2: Dude that’s Maayan, she’s way out of your league.

Boy 1: * -_-*
by I_don’t_know_my_name September 9, 2020
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