1 definition by IFeelLikeDrinkingWaterRightNow

When a guy crushes on a radish he finds attractive and hence think is a good person because of some dumb "science"(physiognomy) then get a mental breakdown when his radish best friend(what historians say) turns out to be a serial killer and made his whole life a waste for it was spent researching that "science" utterly useless while the radish uses the "science" to evade the justice, manipulate him(erotically) and violently(also perhaps erotically) ruin his whole being.
Jack: My friend, I would like to let you know i'm actually a serial killer.
Philippe: But... but you don't look like one.
Jack: I will when I rearrange your organs.

Jackphil has the murderous homoeroticism you only see in 19th century novels.
by IFeelLikeDrinkingWaterRightNow September 11, 2023
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