7 definitions by I’m the sock around your heart

A peenipple is a pregnant pineapple going through labor, usually you will find a tiny pinipple inside
Hey guys I think that this pineapple I bought is actually a peenipple cause it has a pinipple inside of it
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Pronounced "nin-raw"

A secret place where breezy, Marty and I hangout
Tish: Was-sup guys wanna go to gninraw

Marty: yeah why not we haven't been there in like a year
Breezy: no you fat penis lets go to ffopeek
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When people who are either, drunk, dumb, on drugs, or who are not educated Do not know the correct term for a spoon-fork, which is called a spork not a fopoon
Oy mate could ya pass me that fopoon
I can't eat this watermelon with a fork, I need a fopoon
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Something some woman said on TV that means ‘tough shit’ and then like 1/5 of Australia started saying it, and as a child I didn’t know what a titty was, of course, so in like grade 4 I said it to one of my Teachers and it sparked mass confusion.
Teacher: ‘sit over here’
Me: ‘I don’t want to
Teacher: ‘why won’t you go sit over there and behave’
Me: ‘because I don’t want to, tough titties
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A Matisse is a very advanced human, many kneel before her as she is just too amazing for them to comprehend in their simple minds. Matisse’s are very nice to everyone even if they are bad people who do not deserve her kindness, she is very smart and is impossible to beat in an argument because Matisse is too smart and advanced and uses big words that people don’t understand, never argue with a Matisse because you will inevitably lose (her best friend has seen these battles and the Matisse always wins). Matisse’s are also extremely funny and loved by everyone, she is very fun to hang around with and you never feel bored. Matisse’s are also very wise, give good advice and counseling - her brain is the intellectual size of Mars. Matisse is better than you.
Jimmy: ‘have you heard about the argument between Matisse and Josh’
Timmy: ‘yes, Josh is so dumb to think he could beat Matisse in an argument’
Jimmy: ‘Matisse is legendary’
Timmy: ‘the most legendary’
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This is the ultimate thing someone can say to the one they love. Forget ‘I love you’, no, that’s just stupid, if you say it you are stupid. Say ‘you are the sock around my heart.’ If someone says this to you, they deserve to be married on the spot, marry them or you are stupid. If they don’t appreciate when you say this to them then slap them, man or woman, slap them, even if you love them, slap them. Then break up. Murder is justifiable.
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No one knows what a hallabahoo is
Friend 1: knock-knock
Friend 2: who’s there?
Friend 1: hallabah
Friend 2: hallabah who?
Friend 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7: HALLABAHOO
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