1 definition by I'm_relevant

A person who excessively uses hash tags in everything they do. Also someone who uses hash tags that are a paragraph long.
"omg Bethanne I just had the most delish bologna sandwich! I've gotta post about it!". Status update: I ate a bologna sandwich so much yum! #delish #socks #mayoattacktothemax #bread #nomnomnom #pig #beef #horse #fowl #mybolognahasafirstnameitsoscarmybolognahasasecondnameitsmayerilovetoeatiteverydayandifyouaskmewhyisay #yum #pink #meat #pinkmeat #meatpink #meetcute #hashtag

"Wow Bridgette-Jo you're such a hashtag abuser"
by I'm_relevant August 3, 2014
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