1 definition by I'mJustTryingToEnjoyTheShowWit

A show that will mess with your heart strings until all that's left is expensive merch and ships that will probably never happen

Fall in love with a cast of characters which have all contemplate suicide and two of the characters have already attempted.

A show that kills of it's gays and has the best/worst fandom in the world.
Thing 1: Oh hey, have you seen Voltron?

Thing 2: Oh yeah, I binged all 65 episodes/ 7 seasons (that were out at the time of the writing of this definition) in the span of an hour, surviving off of the sheer hope that Keith won't die and that Lance turns out to be bi. I have spent my whole life savings on posters, t-shirts, pins, and whatever else they sell.Stress is currently my caffeine, fight me.

Thing 1: *backs away slowly*
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