2 definitions by I'm a thick rat

This day is a blessing to the world,It was not a mistake, people born on this day are amazing ,creative,baddies, and no one can stop them. They can't steal their thunder or anything and aye show 'em respect or fists are gonna be thrown
Person 1: Shut up you're built like a rat.
Person born on June 30: Aye, you ain't wanna catch these hands back up.
by I'm a thick rat November 15, 2019
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Aye, all you rats out there that are thicc HMU we will run the streets thicc together sis ;)
Person 1: Dang she thicc
Person 2: Oh shoot! ISSA RAT!
Person 1: A thicc rat ;)
by I'm a thick rat November 15, 2019
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