1 definition by I go to strayer :(

Strayer middle school..sounds nice, looks nice right? WRONG!! Strayer middle school The school where druggies go, where kids get harassed, where there’s no doors to the bathrooms, where the plumbing sucks. The staff suck at their jobs, a reports someone touching them sexually and guess what nothing happens. Strayer is where kids make bomb threats, where kids smoke weed in the bathrooms, where kids curse out the staff, where kids can do whatever they want whenever they want. The kids are out of control and the staff do nothing. I mean hell the bathrooms smell like mango juul pods because the air freshener they use.. in conclusion if you’re thinking of sending your kid here think again.. or they might turn into a drug addict like everyone else :) oh did I mention everyone talks horribly about each other too friends or not
“Strayer middle school the worst school ever.”
by I go to strayer :( September 29, 2019
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