1 definition by I Hart Joe

A town in Victoria, Australia which is often subjected to prejudice from cretins who shat themselves when they entered Norlane, ran off, and thus formed their half-arsed opinions based on those experiences.

Contrary to somewhat popular belief, the town is not filled with racist right-wing hicks. If it was, then Melbourne would be the Nashville of Australia.

Of course, like every town, it has it's bad eggs. According to the Victoria Police Crime Statistics, Aug 2008, more than half of the municipalities in Victoria half a worse assault rate per 100,000 people per year than Geelong. For example, Geelong's rate is 559 assaults per year per 100,000 people. The Melbourne CBD rate is 2628.7.

Part of the reason that Geelong's "ghetto lifestyle" has been publicized is because of the Geelong Advertizer in association with The Herald Sun, both News Corp. owned, know that fear and social prejudice sell. Unfortunately, some people are still blinded to Murdoch's tricks.

The real problem with Geelong is (to paraphrase The Clash) are the bourgeois cunts (yes, not every in Geelong is working class, not that that's something shameful) who, instead of feeling bad and trying to help the disadvantaged in the town, make fun. That and the tossers who live in Geelong who call the town a shit hole, then vandalize it beyond recognition. The same can be said for many towns, mind you.

All in all, Geelong is a decent town to live in, one that is constantly expanding and welcomes it. However, it could do with a half decent Mayor for once. 11 Mayor's in 10 years, and we're still stuck with image-centric ideals that never work out.
Bellend - lolz, fuck Geelong, it's full of intolerant wankers.

Un-stereotypical, typical Geelong person - Oh the irony!
by I Hart Joe August 29, 2008
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