1 definition by I "HATE" YOU with all my might MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!!

1. Another slur from hateful, uneducated, ignorant ass weasels.

^Look at the wealthy elitist hateful racist liberal pig flaunting his superior higher education "status"!!!
You elitist pig.You make me sick with your snobby fuckin superiority complex and your high falutin elitist fuckin attitude.The only reason I'm not as educated as you is because I was "very liberal" as a kid and I listened to fucking liberal cocksucking ASSHOLE faggots like YOU and I "turned on,tuned in and dropped out" like a good liberal which it turns out was just a convenient way to push me down so fuckin ELITIST,COLLEGE-EDUCATED SNOBS like YOU could turn around and put me down!!!!

You fucking bully.I hope you get raped and killed and ran over by a car and burn in hell for eternity with Hitler and Timothy Leary.

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