15 definitions by Hymen

Slang For Cannabis sativa/Indica.The main active Chemical In cannabis is the cannaboid T.H.C. witch is absorbed by the cannaboid receptors in the brain causing the "High" effect.
I dont smoke weed i have tried it years ago but These propaganda people are hilarious. weed is not addictive physicly but mentally that means you dont have an urge/need to smoke it like tobbaco addicts.You dont turn out a loser if you smoke it unless you let it effect other aspects of your life. Some call it a gateway drug but thats because its illegal,most people drink alcohal before they try crack does that make alcohal a gate way drug?
It is Extremly less harmful then alcohal,But does contain more Tar then Tobbaco per gram but can be vaporized or cooked to greatly reduce the harmful effects.
Of course there are reasons not to smoke it such as when driving or operating machinery(sp?),using it to escape your problems,to look cool or fit in,At school or at work. Cannabis should be legal because it would save the goverment tax money and Make it safer for users to buy.It is a victimless crime. Cannabis Smokers can be anyone you know doctors,laywers(I know a few stoner lawyers ),Stay at home moms,computer programmers,your Family ect...

I really wish people would stop being close minded.They say that its bad for you while they drink thier Alcohal(ironic eh?)Cannabis smokers are like anyone else dont juge all cannabis smokers by a few low lifes that give them a bad name.
by Hymen June 28, 2006
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Misinformation About somthing which is false but presented as truth.

often spread by the goverment to keep people from doing something that they dont want them to do.
A good example of propaganda is the war on drugs.
-Smoking Marijuana will make you a schizophrenic.

This is from the golden age of drug propaganda during the 50s and 60s.Sadly Some uneducated people still belive this.
by Hymen June 30, 2006
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A Handicapped kid on the animated t.v. show southpark.
when jimmy pissed timmy off they had a cripple fight.
by Hymen June 17, 2006
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Small amount of cannabis/marijuana that cost aroud 5$ depending on Quality.Although not often sold by experienced dealers because the profit is not worth it.
to pay $5 for 0.5g would be a good deal for a five bud.
by Hymen July 10, 2006
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Cannabis that is legaly used as medicine for terminal illnesses and other sickness .Bought in Canna clubs/compassion clubs where it can be grown proffesionaly and Legaly for pecific illnesses.Usally Higher quality then street Cannabis, but not in some places(like Canada).legal nation wide in canada, but only some American States(like California)

Some people use cannabis illegaly to releave pain/sickness but they are still doing wrong it the eyes of the law.
1.I can walk up to a cop smoking my medical cannabis and ask him for directions if i want.Not that i would
by Hymen June 27, 2006
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Smoking cannabis/marijuana in smallish inclosed space causing the smoke to fill the room and be reinhaled.the room often starts to heat up during the procces.Often done more by high/college students then older smokers.
Although many belive hotboxing gets you more high this is untrue.The active ingrediant in marijuana is THC. When you inhale the THC is absorbed by the aveoli in the first 3-5 seconds. Some say they get more high in a hot box this is a plucibo effect.
by Hymen July 10, 2006
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When one side of a marijuana Joint's paper burns faster then the cherrie.

Can also be called run or running
Shit man, fix the jay its tracking.
by Hymen July 9, 2006
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