1 definition by Hustlenglo

The area code for both the best city, San Francisco, as well as the richest county in the United States, Marin. Full of liberal conservatives, beautiful scenery, and dank-da-dank-dank-dank.
Some Dude: "Hey man, where you from?"
Chiller: "Shit Dude, I rep tha bay: 415 mufucka."
Some Dude: "Oh yeah? Where in 'tha bay' is that?"
Chiller: "Yo, I live in the SFC but I'm from Marin."
Some Dude: "Oh...cool."
Chiller: "Hella."
Some Dude: "So...wanna smoke some weed?"
Chiller: "Yeah Dude, but only if its da-dank."
Some Dude: "uh...what?"
Chiller: "um...only if it's bomb."
by Hustlenglo February 12, 2011
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