12 definitions by Humphrey Jones Has a small dic

a pedophile even tho he is 14

claims to have raped 2 people before he moved to where he is now

kinda chill i guess but he makes everyone as uncomfortable as ronald and he is a huge dickbag

hella full of himself and needs to stop telling people he has a big dick cause he doesnt
niko you narcissistic cunt why would to tell people you raped someone? thats not cash money you fat sack of teenage horomone bullshit
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you tiny ass hoe. how can someone that is literally 2 inches tall be such a fucking bitch? idk how bout we ask J A S MI NE

you pushup bra, no titty, homophobic, bitch ass, fake friend needs to stay the fuck back sis
jasmine, i dont care that you apologized for being a bitch. youre still a fucking bitch
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wants everyones pussy no matter what age.

probably gonna be a pedophile or sex offender when they turn 18 or some shit
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what some bitchs named rhonda and gabby drink because they are ratarded as FUCK
Katie: "Rhonda tried to kill me today because I told her I was gay."
Morgan: "That bitch drinks dumb bitch juice don't even worry about it."


Gabby: "I'm gay as fuck now I hate dick tehe uwu im s p e c ial"
Ethyn, Morgan, and literally everyone: "(?)"
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has terrible taste in men and is ugly as fuck like bitch mcscuse me please leave the premises with your nasty ass hoe body

only date disgusting pieces of shit named fucking RONALD WHO HARASS PEOPLE
ellie, love you sis, but you drink a lot of dumb bitch juice
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why the fuck would you name your son gilbert what kind of parent are you

how do you look at a chunky baby and go, "Ahhh yes....... g il b e r t"

dumb fucks really drinking dumb bitch juice
The world:

some dumbass parents: Tehe uwu gilbert is such a g o o d N A ME
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