25 definitions by Hugh Wards

Noun used to describe a group or member of a group who align themselves in unity to intimidate another.
To instill fear and angst in someone, intimidating that person and stopping them from speaking, protesting or demonstrating.
“There was a protest in the city today. I was going to go, but the intimidorati were there to spoil things.”
by Hugh Wards March 10, 2021
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A person who is unfairly prejudiced against Ireland and Irish people, and indulging in false stereotypes.
-Dude, why did you say the computer is working like a paddy.
- Because I’m hibernophobic!
by Hugh Wards October 22, 2017
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Something that is so unbelievably brain dead stupid or unintelligent that it hurts a person brain and mind to hear it said.
Alternatively, it can used to describe a person who changes their opinion on a matter easily, quickly and pathetically in order to appear correct.
His argument for immigration was amoebic
by Hugh Wards September 28, 2018
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The immense feeling superiority a person feels when they witness an ambitious person fail in some challenge.
A lazy person who feels begrudgingly towards a successful person and then a sense of elation when that person fails
He tried and failed. I did nothing so I did no fail. It is gaudere superus - I am better than him now.
by Hugh Wards September 28, 2018
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