25 definitions by Hugh Wards

Ludophilia is the term used to refer to a passionate interest in games and puzzles.

A ludophile is a person who shows such a passion for games and puzzles.
“Let’s play a game!”
You’re such a ludophile!”
by Hugh Wards February 28, 2018
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People who waste their lives taking photographs of their food and then upload them to social media.
Man, she photographed every dish at dinner for Instagram. What a snack snapper!
by Hugh Wards April 3, 2017
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1. To reassess your opinion or thought process.
2. To start off with an opinion and work backwards to prove that opinion.
3. To start over again, once your opinion has changed.
“I always thought it was okay to lie. But I was lied to, and I had to revelop my preconceived notions.”
by Hugh Wards September 7, 2022
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When you believe the worst of someone without proper evidence, considered thought or reasoning, especially if you get a feeling of superiority or pleasure from this belief.
- Did you hear about Jo? I feel so happy she fell on her face drunk.
- Don't malinate. It's mean!
by Hugh Wards March 30, 2017
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Adjective: describing something that is iron-like.
His stare was feroic in its intensity
by Hugh Wards August 10, 2018
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A term used to describe a betrayal by someone or something considered to be virtuous and then is shown to be the opposite. It leads to a feeling of great unease by a soft movement, like a punch from a velvet boxing glove
“I was watching this comedy and all of a sudden it became serious. It was a real velvet punch
by Hugh Wards May 17, 2020
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The art of listening to two or more sounds, such as people, traffic, nature or music and synchronising the noises together to make a new sound.
I was listening to Bryan Adams and Bon Jovi together. It was a total syncphony!
by Hugh Wards March 30, 2017
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