2 definitions by Hugelymassivedick

Thumb me dumbly is the acting of taking the nearest mentally challenged person (or group of persons depending on how fucked up you are) and having he/she/them insert their thumbs into your anal cavity
Guy 1: so what did you get up to last weekend bro?
Guy 2: I went to the loony bin and got a few retards to thumb me dumbly
Guy 1: you’re a sick little cunt you are
by Hugelymassivedick February 14, 2019
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When a group of people all gather around one single dead body and all share in the Mung it produces
Guy 1: what happened last week I saw you all at the cemetery

Guy 2: well Andy’s grandma Died and the fast shit had plenty of mung
Guy 1: all of you done that to one person?
Guy 2: yea it was a mungfest
by Hugelymassivedick February 20, 2019
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