2 definitions by Hug Me ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ

One of the worst places in the world to work. I only lasted 2 weeks there before I quit. I didn't get any training unless I asked for it (and even then I only got 10 minutes of "training"), they answered questions I had with as little information as possible, and 90% of my coworkers were either hypocrites and/or assholes. If you're thinking about working there, DONT!!!
If you applied to Kohl's and got rejected, be grateful
by Hug Me ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ December 1, 2021
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One of the most underrated animated films ever made. The films tells the story of Red Riding Hood but in the form of a police investigation. Everyone has either never heard of this movie (which is most people), seen it once and completely forgot it existed, or seen it so many times that they can recite the entire movie line for line, scene for scene, shot for shot, because it's permanently engraved in their brains (aka me).
Me: Have you ever seen this movie called Hoodwinked?
"Friend": Yeah, it sucked
Me: I'll end your worthless existence if you don't change your mind right now
by Hug Me ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ December 13, 2021
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