4 definitions by Hrhdbendhfh

Today your girlfriend has to let you make out with them while one hand is on her boobs or one hand is in front and the other in the back
Hey Jessiona you know what day it is. What day. October 11. Oh guck yeah I'm so wet. Then get over here.
by Hrhdbendhfh April 17, 2019
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Amazing girl the best you can ever have she crazy beautiful, crazy, amazing eyes it's like a trance, smiles great, and a guy named Triston can't lose her he loves her so much.
Meow meow Jessiona
by Hrhdbendhfh March 3, 2019
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Jessiona is crazy and she makes everyones life better by the second and she thinks she does wrong and she doesn't she can make tristons life better all the time and he loves her no matter what happens NO MATTER WHAT
Jessiona the best. Fuck your chicken strips we don't want your chicken strips DANG THOSE THIGHS
by Hrhdbendhfh March 19, 2019
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A retard he's the stupidest person on Earth and he's not depressed even though people say he is. He's trys to make this girl happy as much as possible and he never succeeds no matter how hard he trys but he still loves her so much and he can't kiss to save his life and is kinda normal height oh yeah and one more reminder he's stupid
Triston=kitty kitty/little turtle cause his stupid mom
by Hrhdbendhfh April 17, 2019
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