2 definitions by Hotaru0Masaru

The Shadow Realm is a place in Yu-Gi-Oh used to play card games with real monsters, surrounded by purple fog. A place where you can be banished to decay.
"If I lose this duel, not only will Bakura take my puzzle, but I'll also be banished to the Shadow Realm!
by Hotaru0Masaru July 8, 2015
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I am homosexual, so I would know. Homosexuality is when you are attracted to the same sex. Male homosexuals are sometimes called "Gays" while the females would be "Lesbians." There is nothing wrong with homosexuality. If you have a problem with Homosexuality, never try to offend a homosexual person with their sexuality! They can't help it! Trust me, if it where my choice, I would've chosen to be Pansexual.
Homosexual: Someone who is attracted to the same sex. "Sorry, ladies! I know ya` all want me, but I'm gay!"
by Hotaru0Masaru July 8, 2015
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