1 definition by Holden Migroyn

Tirivum is one of the greatest metal bands of all time. Anybody who thinks that they are overrated is a complete douschebag who really needs to learn something about music. Corey and Matt K. are some of the best guitarists today. Anybody who criticizes them for playing blink 182 or playing something considered non-metal is a complete shit faced cockmaster who has no idea what music is really about. Having fun and expressing yourself. Not a single band today has more fun than Trivium and their work ethic is increddibly high.

Other good bands:
Children of Bodom
Killswitch Engage
As I Lay Dying
In Flames
Dillinger Escape Plan
Shadows Fall
The Autumn Offering
Everytime I Die
"Trivium is not a metal band, they play pussy music and cover gay songs"

"fuck you you bastard, at least they are not emo or play gay shit like bullet for my penis....i mean valentine or they are not homo....i mean emo."
by Holden Migroyn May 18, 2006
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