22 definitions by Hitler the great

Mario is An Italian American plumber, who’s the prime mascot of Nintendo. He represents the company, Nintendo . Mario possesses super strength, high stamina, able to run for hours and perform sumersaults and side flips. He can jump really high, in his first game he could jump up to 10 feet in one bound. Hence why He was used to be called “jump man

Mario also has a simple yet quirky personality. He likes pasta and cake, his hobbies mostly include saving the primcess peach and saves her from the evil bowser. He also has a twin brother named Luigi and Mario loves collecting gold coins
I’ve been playing mario since I was a kid. My favorite mario game is super mario galaxy
by Hitler the great July 8, 2020
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A great art channel on YouTube. It has many art drawings and beautiful animation. It’s possibly the best art channel on YouTube
If you like art and cool anime drawings make sure to go check out sonic the artist on YouTube
by Hitler the great July 7, 2020
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A yellow rat that shoots electricity
Me: bro I just caught a pikachu!

Friend: lucky, I only caught a deoxys
by Hitler the great December 1, 2019
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Big ass dude who plays basketball. He’s also a simp and sucks at video games, he plays pc cuz he thinks consoles are trash but it’s cuz he can’t afford one.
Ryan Hill fucking sucks at video games. All he knows how to do it eat cuz he’s a tall 9 foot fatass who can dribble a ball around and nothing else
by Hitler the great July 10, 2020
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Head ass doesn’t really mean anything besides an offensive word but how I use it is different.

You see, head ass is more like an add on word, similar to “this nigga”

it could also used when someone says something stupid resulting in you calling them a head ass....

for instance this guy clouncy might say, “I took the ACT’s and passed every one of them. Yep I’m a smart pickle if I say so myself.” Or johova sandres: I don’t think I can take more of this. And you just reply to them with a casual “head ass...”

Basically it doesn’t matter how stupid or annoying someone’s comment may be as long as you yourself find it dumb and funny you can add it anywhere you like as a short play word similar to “head ass”

Another example would be “I tried I really tried. But I just can’t keep going on with my life, I’m so sorry to everyone out there who truly care for me and love me but this depression is too severe and I can’t live like this anymore. If I don’t make it till tomorrow I would like all your best condolences”
Me: head ass....

So again, it doesn’t mean much besides finding someone to be acting stupid and annoying.
“Has anyone played euphoria and beaten all levels within each colony? I’ve played so much I think I’m a pro lol”

Me: head ass...

“This nigga just jumped a 30 foot bridge and landed holly shit! Next thing you know he’s gonna be captured by CSI and taken into McDonald’s to get a numbuh 3 😂 “

Me: head ass....

“Try taking the bathroom next door to see how many Indians you can find 😂”
*gets 200 likes*

Me: head ass....
by Hitler the great December 8, 2019
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A wimpy little baby pussy sack of shit who likes watching vanilla Hentai and thinks vanilla is better than ntr and rape. They think their ideals are superior to others and stop at nothing to shove their opinions in everyone’s faces.
JefflozarosPASHI2: these ntr episodes are shit, I don’t like watching that filth cuz that’s only for degenerate fuck lords. Vanilla is basically heaven tbh

Everyone else: man get a life you cuck

Man what a cuck

Soyboy little bitch cuck

You fucking cuck

Gtfo you little cuck

This guy’s a cuck...
by Hitler the great December 8, 2019
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When you fuck a girl hard in the ass without any lube. As you choke her and yell “this is my swamp!”
1:“Yo I just gave my girl a shrek last night.”

2: “really? Shit, that sounds hot!”
by Hitler the great June 10, 2020
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