1 definition by HiddenTrust

A school in the middle of no where and for some reason is one of the top rated schools in the country. Got a bullying problem? If you report it they don't do anything. Welcome, as you get to experience the cliques and populars. If you're not loaded but you actually have talent, people won't like you.
"Welcome to Carmel Middle School, you got your freshmen, ROTC guys, preps, J.V. jocks, Asian nerds, Cool Asians, Varsity jocks Unfriendly black hotties, Girls who eat their feelings, Girls who don't eat anything, Desperate wannabes, Burnouts, Sexually active band geeks, etc, any questions?"
"Did you just quote mean girls"
"It's an accurate representation"
by HiddenTrust August 12, 2017
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