1 definition by Hi sjsha

A friend group is something so incredibly special. It’s a group of people who all are best friends. Not just 2 people being best friends, it’s a whole group of people that share the same amazing bond with eachother. You all walk around school saying hi to eachother, laughing about the jokes you made at your last sleepover over the weekend, one of your 50000 sleepovers with eachother. Not having to worry about having no one in your class because at least one person in your friend group will be. Pool parties in the summer, all of you gathered around the camp fire late at night, all of you going out to eat together, sitting together in the winter with blankets wrapped around yourself talking for hours and without realizing it you guys have talked the whole night. A friend group is having a group of people there for you no matter what and always there to make you happy.

peer group definition. A group of people who share certain social characteristics, such as age, class, occupation, or education, and interact on a level of equality. An individual may be a member of several peer groups, including friends, schoolmates, and coworkers.
peer group definition. A group of people who share certain social characteristics, such as age, class, occupation, or education, and interact on a level of equality. An individual may be a member of several peer groups, including friends, schoolmates, and coworkers.

“Did you see those girls walk by? Looks like they’re all in a close friend group”
by Hi sjsha February 1, 2018
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