2 definitions by Heywhatsup

Adj. Derived from "bananas" and "hilarious." Refering to an amusing act resembling a monkey in a funny situation.
Tarzan: Hey, Cheeta! Remember that time you got hammered and pleasured Jane with a banana? That was freaking Balarious.
by Heywhatsup February 12, 2008
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n. A new, extremely ugly and unfashinable type of shoe coming out, whose add spams everything, including this site. Its design is composed of a sandal, with the special trademark feature of a very furry sole. However, this causes a very unpleasant shoe, resembling a muppet after being skinned and fitted to a loser's foot. Only suited to wannabe pimps and hardcore lesbos.
Can also be used to describe something or someone, usually a woman, who has not shaved in a while, and so has accumulated an amassment of hideous hair.
John: Hey, so I saw Alicia took you up to her room last night! How'd it go?
Jack: Oh, it was a total let down...That woman's hairy as a BONSAI sandal! I couldn't even penetrate that junk!
John: Oh wow, that does sound horrible. Well at least she wasn't wearing Bonsai sandals!
Jack: Oh yeah, I would have killed myself.
by Heywhatsup February 5, 2008
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