2 definitions by Hesperuswreck

When someone starts to praise a president's policies, but then performs an about-face and ridicules the President. Often used in reference to news programs.

Can be used as a verb: Bushwhacked, Bushwacking; or as an adjective: Bushwhacked
Person in bar: Can you believe that commentator. Talking about Obama's policies positively, only to turn around again and bash him.

Bartender: Yeah, he totally just Bushwhacked the shit out of him.
by Hesperuswreck January 19, 2011
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A derogatory term used to define:

a Republican who doesn't caucus with the Republicans
a Republican who has some liberal policies
a Republican who hangs out too much with liberals
a Republican who betrays their party to get more votes
a Republican who whores out his beliefs to get elected
Congressman 1: Why is *insert name here* always around those fanatical liberals?
Congressman 2: Because he's a McCainaanite, that's why.
by Hesperuswreck January 19, 2011
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