1 definition by Heretic Seth

A town located in the southern region of Oklahoma consisting of little to no places for teenagers to congrogate. Within this town there is basically a mall (where anyone under 18 isn't allowed on Fridays and Saturdays after 5 p.m) ,one skatepark far away from anywhere in town, leaving nothing for us to do other then get high, shoot eachother, drink, and that's about it. Well...there is Fort Sill with some things to do.... but noone can get on without an i.d.

It's a boring town, if you ever think of moving here DONT, and if your forced, welcome to HELL, USA.

One last note: If you move here, dont expect to be able to get out all that easily.... easy getting in, hard getting out.
Stay the F*** away from Lawton, Oklahoma!
by Heretic Seth February 19, 2008
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