2 definitions by Hehe.things.i.do.randomly

Klee is an elf who loves bombing.
"Hey Klee is that girl who uses bombs?"

Yes she loves fish blasting alot.
by Hehe.things.i.do.randomly April 27, 2022
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A kimetsu no yaiba character which wears a butterfly hairpin and a nichrin sword which isnt like a normal one except to kill a demon u have to use posion which will poision the demons if the poision is strong enough. She is a hashira shes called "insect hashira" she has the haori of her older sister which resembles a butterfly.She is infact short and insecure about it,also she owns the butterfly mansion.
Hey have u heard of shinobu kocho?

Yeah! I like her so much!!
by Hehe.things.i.do.randomly April 27, 2022
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