1 definition by Hebse

Insecure is a guy who lies a lot and dosent have much to do with his time. He will lie and make it look like he works or has a good job when he lives with his mother and can't pay for anything. He's usually in his 30's and is very unsuccessful and unambitious. He will not have a car of his own, a house or a girlfriend. Nothing that normal people have. He fills his time trying to make peoples lives miserable because he is miserable inside and a failure at everything he does. Most likely he is unnatractive and may have some other condition such as problems interacting with people so he has a hard time socializing.
Mike is a balding 40 year old who lives at home. He is insecure and not comfortable with himself so he lies and creates mischief to fill the void in his life.
by Hebse December 6, 2007
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