1 definition by Heather Graham95

An Arabic name which means "Pleased". Also the name of the Angel charged with maintaining heaven in Islam. There are several versions of this such as Rizwan, Reduone, Ridvan etc.

He is a calm, very intelligent, super smart and good looking guy. He is the most charming and yet intriguing person you'll meet. He is witty and has he way with words. Usually has extremely nice eyes and eyebrows and a gorgeous beard. He rides a motorbike. Ridwan's sense of humor is nothing you have experienced with other guys but you will have fun and laugh A LOT when you are with him. He is a good listener and the easiest person to talk to. He is not the best at expressing his emotions and is often misconstrued as a cold person. His trust is very feeble and he will recoil into his shelf once said trust is broken. He breaks a lot of hearts in his quest to find the right person. If you are the right person, you are a lucky girl :)
Heather: I had a conversation with a guy on the subway today and we spoke like we had known each other all our lives. I didn't quite catch his name :(
Nikky: Must be a Ridwan
by Heather Graham95 July 17, 2016
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