1 definition by Hatari05

A feeling that goes beyond almost all sense of physicality. To love is to feel such a strong feeling for another that you can understand them in a way few can. Their very existence is a gift and treasure rather they are with you or not. The mere thought of them fills you with a deep hope for both the world and yourself.

Whenever filled with sadness or sorrow the thought of this person will make you smile and remind you of why you are who you are. Even a mere glance at them a simple smile says so much and you will find something new each and every time you get that glimpse. Everything about them is a treasure and inspires you to be the very best you can be to reach for your dreams and your love drives you to believe in them and yourself because this person showed you that they are real.

You can never stop thinking of them, dreaming about them they're all you want but you will wait however long is necessary and let them go if it's best for their happiness. You will want them more than anything but even if that want leaves you consumed with pain eventually this person will turn it to a deep happiness because their existence will always lift you up rather they are there or not.

You feel they are always there with you deep in your heart and no matter how things end they will never be very far from you, this feeling will never fade and will always remain with you. Love is a feeling of hope, inspiration, passion, understanding, happiness and beauty that is truly forever.
In that moment he remembered who he was and by doing so why he loved her so much, why he would always love her.
by Hatari05 November 9, 2018
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