1 definition by HarvardYalePrincetonBookworm

A small, private, Christian law school located in Virginia Beach, VA. Though the law school's rank is not published by the U.S. News and World Report, Regent routinely beats top schools including Harvard, Yale, and the University of Virginia in intercollegiate Moot Court and Negotiation competitions. Also despite its low ranking, Regent Law attracts many students who have passed on acceptances from Top 25 law schools who choose Regent because of the conservative, faith-based atmosphere. For this reason, Regent is generally considered a "national" rather than a "regional" law school, unlike most other bottom tier schools. The law school was founded by Christian minister and Yale Law School graduate, Rev. Pat Robertson.

Just under half of Regent's graduates enter private practice, but a large portion of its graduates place in government positions in the Washington, D.C. market. Monica Goodling, the subject of the controversial 2006 U.S. Attorney's dismissals, and Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell are graduates of Regent Law.

The law school's faculty is comprised of nationally renowned legal scholars educated at Harvard, Yale, Chicago, Virginia, Georgetown, Duke, and Texas, among others. Having faculty members from such top legal institution is not common at most lower tier law schools. Some of the most notable faculty include former U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft and nationally recognized Evidence Law expert Prof. James J. Duane.
Joe: I'm trying to decide between Yale Law School, the University of Virginia School of Law, Duke Law School, and Regent University School of Law.

Tim: Obviously go to Yale.

Sally: Just go to the highest ranked school.

Joe: I'm going to visit them, meet the professors, and see what I like.

(Three weeks later...)

Joe: I'm going to Regent. The professors are the same quality as Virginia, the people are more laid back than at Yale, the people aren't as viciously competitive like at Duke, and it's fifteen minutes from the beach.
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