1 definition by Haru Yasumi

A term that has been used since before 2012 to mock how much entitled men cry when women do or say anything that makes their sense of privilege feel even slightly threatened. But that in the last couple of years, men have attempted to change to mean sperm (even though there is no evidence of the term ever having been used for that previously). Because they have to undermine every single thing that women do.

the term 'man tears' has been used very rarely to mean sperm. But it is a different term to 'male tears' (the clue is in the way the words are not the same), and even that had originated with another meaning before being hijacked by sperm-obsessed men.
Neckbearded crybaby: I have to sit like that on the train. My balls are too big to sit like a normal, polite person
Educated woman: Male tears are delicious!
Neckbearded crybaby: Waah Waah. You're mean!
by Haru Yasumi October 3, 2018
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