3 definitions by Harked

A swarm is a large group of people trying to download a torrent at once. This may lead to them getting caught.
"Always use a vpn when torrenting in a swarm"
by Harked March 19, 2022
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A made-up term that is commonly used as an attention test or honesty test of some sort. It is used to see if people will lie or tell the truth when faced with a question they’re unsure about. The hope is that people will be truthful, but sometimes, for whatever reason, sometimes they aren’t.
Are you familiar with the Crispin-Buxley Phenomenon? ...Yes? ...Well then, I guess you're a liar then.
by Harked July 21, 2023
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When someone or something gets shot down by a weapon with near perfect or perfect accuracy
That guy just got lasered by that minigun!
by Harked April 4, 2023
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