122 definitions by Happy Christian

Jady is a pretty nice girl your able to communicate with about many things. She gives heavenly answers yet will leave you with some nagging charge

-paying gas
-copying off your homework
A Jady may have great communicating method, yet is going to expect something from you

but yeah its annoying
by Happy Christian April 11, 2023
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Mark's Gospel stresses the deeds, strength, and determination of Jesus in overcoming evil forces and defying the power of imperial Rome.
You would not want to miss out on a book like Mark before your turn 22
by Happy Christian April 12, 2023
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its mean to hype up the Christian identity in you

it hits on moral and ethical behaviors(what your current/boring lifestyle needed) that was designed to ensure believers are living up to their heavenly calling
Ephesians should remind us of the roof of our problems

plus the discipline needed to develop into true children of god
by Happy Christian April 12, 2023
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very fun thing to do in your spare time

you will never have fun unless you do math problems

if you dont challenge your brain to do work like this, don't expect to party hared
by Happy Christian April 12, 2023
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In the book of Leviticus we learn his divine presence, his holiness, and his compassion and grace. It covers the roles of the Priests.
Leviticus has an urgent message for Christians today how to maintain holiness within the community, so that the Lord would continue to live among them.
by Happy Christian April 11, 2023
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what the jerusalem wall will bring you

i can feel it myself
Everyone, the Jerusalem Wall(especially if your a United States resident) will bring an emotionally touching and even permanent impact on your heart
by Happy Christian April 11, 2023
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Braeden C is only meant for one girl, and will normally meet his match and that girl will strictly be someone who won him over and made a romantic/perfecting personal connection on him. His girl(who is probably Alyssa and they share a paradise relationship that tends to be for him and her) is going to have to put in a lot of work to keep the relationship alive. He needs to be very considerate of the annoying girls getting on his new girlfriends nerves and realize that they are all sirens. The girl in love with him doesn't mind spoiling him . Braeden C is the type of guy you love to make the effort to because talking to him(and trust me he won't date other girls besides the girl who spoke romance into his life) makes you want to not sleep and return to the church of heaven and ask God to always be together. Talking to him makes you want to look up at the stars and live life without a care in this world. Your going to have to fight off all the women who try to claim him.
There is only one type of girl in the world for this intensely popular Snake guy would normally meet probably when you visited his livestream for the first time. She would be someone who is above him such as in age, name order. Also when he meets the love of his live, they would be a very high zodiac match compatibility. For instance, a Rooster and that is why they fell so in love. Braeden does NOT know how to follow up with people but you fell in love with him and he will just leave all the planning to you. You will enjoy many things about this guy and have to eliminate your rivals. Yet good luck because it will work. Try not to get obsessed with Braeden C because you two have come together in a heavenly match.
by Happy Christian October 22, 2022
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